February 12, 2010
We are now onto Part IV of this serialized humor column about technology that threatens to become a humor book, really, but onward we proceed toward the finish line. I will make a prediction -- just called me Nostradamus-writus -- that there will be another four parts until it's complete. Let's see if I can hold it at that. We now continue with...
“The Technology Shuffle” -- PART IV
… keep kids motivated, healthy, focused, traveling on the straight and narrow and listening to us in the face of ipods, iphones, and I can’t even imagine what’s next on the “I need you to kill me now” technology horizon.
As we undertake this “mission impossible” of parenting and education, in the face of technology that is waaaaayyyy more interesting than we are, we are forced to deal with each device and its attendant issue(s) separately. As mentioned above, there are phones, musical delivery systems and...duhn, duhn, duhn, the computer with instant messaging, Facebook, About Face, MySpace, Your Space, can’t we all just have our own space, which brings me to youtube. This is a venue where everyone can conduct their own reality show without the hassle and inconvenience of a reasonable person reminding you that this will all come back to haunt you and while your life is important -- as far as real viewing-worthy content -- you've got nothing. But let us charge forward, setting forth each application separately.
First up, is the cell phone and the fact that the Y-ME?! generationally placed child has probably had one since they were practicing cursive on those big lines with the dotted ones in the middle. Many of us have embraced the ease of communication by providing our children with these darling little gadgets because we were tired of waiting in the wrong parking lot, on the wrong street corner and at the wrong friend’s house, so why not give ourselves something to make our lives easier? Boy, did we create…
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