February 10, 2010
Just by way of a recap, this is a continuing serialization of a humor-column-in-the-making by the name of, "The Technology Shuffle." For Part I please do sashay on over to yesterday's entry and if you're just right there, on the edge of your seat, waiting as each day's offering unfolds, please do sign-up for email delivery of my blog. I'd love it!
The Technology Shuffle -- Part II
The fact that we babyboomers willingly and even happily, may I add, signed on for procreation, even in the face of our own childhood war stories as the byproduct of, "I'll give you something to cry about!" and "What do you mean you need to find yourself? Get a job! You'll know right where you are every day," is probably miraculous in and of itself.
The fact that we babyboomers willingly and even happily, may I add, signed on for procreation, even in the face of our own childhood war stories as the byproduct of, "I'll give you something to cry about!" and "What do you mean you need to find yourself? Get a job! You'll know right where you are every day," is probably miraculous in and of itself.
What we didn't sign on for are the parenting disadvantages that have been bestowed upon us by virtue of technology. This could possibly be classified as payback for finding fault with the aforementioned parenting approach that led to our parents saying things like, "I'll give you something to cry about!"
Nevertheless, our parenting disadvantages exist in a whole brave new world, taking many forms, so it is important to address them separately, even as our ability to separate our thoughts about such things…
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